Stroke Survivor 2 Survivor (SS2S) is a telephone peer support program for stroke survivors and their caregivers. The program is run by stroke survivors or caregiver volunteers with special training and overseen by a local hospital on-site coordinator. The call encourages stroke survivors to self-manage their own care while offering support, guidance and resources.
The American Stroke Association (ASA) and Stroke Survivors Empowering Each Other (SSEEO)
share a common desire to improve the health and quality of life of the more than
seven million Americans who are stroke survivors. We recognize the stroke
experience can feel traumatic and lonely and want to ensure
survivors and caregivers know they are not alone. We're here to help every step of the way.
This is why our organizations are working together, to make the
Stroke Survivor 2 Survivor program available across the nation.
Stroke Survivors Empowering Each Other
To provide advocacy, support, education and resources to stroke survivors and their families.
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
P.O. Box 855 Lombard, IL 60148
(888) 988 - 8047
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