Listed are agencies, organizations and community resources. Check with the post-stroke rehabilitation team about additional sources for assistance and support.
Local library, hospital, senior/community center, health departments and support groups can also help locate needed resources.
Senior services and centers throughout Chicago provide: legal, counseling, caregivers assistance, respite, and disability ride free cards.
IL senior helpline for people with disabilities & for seniors over age 60 resources for medical, prescription, home maker services & transportation.
Information on social security and disability benefits, applications and appeals.
Help in finding senior and assisted living.
A guide for paying for assisted living and eligibility requirements; also includes free resources for seniors and their families.
*Includes Stroke & Education Support, Independent Living, Transportation, and DL Rehabilitation Programs Lists.
Stroke Survivors Empowering Each Other
To provide advocacy, support, education and resources to stroke survivors and their families.
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
P.O. Box 855 Lombard, IL 60148
(888) 988 - 8047
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